Wednesday, June 23, 2010


It was an inspiring date when we went to learn by practice in Ngarenaro. In brief I can say it was the nice trip with other YETS which every body admired. Personally I hard a chart with Set life management especially Jacob who before anything introduced the approach they began.

They started as a group of few people leading others what to do to keep the NGARENARO River clean. They started in difficult conditions but it improved as time passed by.They now use tractor to take wastes and dispose in a right place.

Assistance was coming from the village council and resistance from the ward counsellor. The project they run is based on volunteering and self motivation, in each case they have to collect wastes and get paid very little from the household they save.

I learnt a lot from Set Life. The lesson that changes must come from us and not from wothout. It must originate from some one and shared and adopted positively and negatively at the same time with the rest. Once more self esteem and love to environment can manifest through Volunteering in each case environment can be protected even when there no donors to support the scheme.

From my experience this is the first environmental group originated from natives themselves. Set Life was no organised by CSO or any authority other than the native themselves.

It is very easy to implement a community felt project since it is a social touch and not a man made problem or Changing circumstances to problems.

There is challenge of community mobilization for changes. It is not easy to mobilize and adopt changes by the community involved. There still slums and toilets with outlet to the river. The community do not control the cabbages from their home stead as required by the group making difficult task to clean the river.

There were challenges like using old truck and other crude equipment for collecting dusts. The other challenge involved material poverty where collecting money to run the project is very difficult. Local counsel is not supporting the project in its full sense.

By Bernad Wilfred


Atomic Energy is the energy released by a nuclear reaction. It is originated in 1903 when Ernest Rutherford began to speak of possibility of atomic energy. The term was popularized by H.G Wells in phrase “splitting the atom” devised at a time prior to the discovery of nucleus. Radioactiave substances include Uranium which is found in Tanzania in Bahi District Dodoma, Namtumbo District Ruvuma, Manyoni District Singida, and Babati district Manyara.

What is Uranium? Simply Uranium can be explained as a hard, dense, malleable, ductile, silver white radioactive. Uranium metal has very high density. When finely divided it can react with cold water, In air it is coated by Uranium oxide, tarnishing rapidly. It is attacked by steam and acids. Uranium can form solids solution and inter metallic compounds with way of the metals

In Tanzania there is a law that governs Radioactive metals, and this is Atomic Energy Act, No 7 of 2003 which repealed and replaced the Protection from Radiation Act, 1983 which is Chapter 188 of Revised Edition 2002 of the Laws of Tanzania. The Atomic Energy Act, 2003 establishes the Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission which seeks to regulate the safety and peaceful use of atomic energy, promote and expand the contribution of atomic energy and nuclear technology to healt and prosperity throughout United Republic of Tanzania.

Uranium has posed environmental problems in Air contamination for example in Bulgaria a shut down uranium mining is located immediately neighboring the village of Eleshnitza. It causes high radon concentration in free air. It is anticipated that 0.1 to 1 lung cancer incidences annually are caused by the mine in the 2600 residents of the village. IF at all Uranium extraction to is to commence at Bahi District and Manyoni is going to affect a population of Dodoma municipality and Singida because the distance is only 50km from Dodoma town to Chali where the proposed plant is going to be established.

Radon and dust blown by the mine’s ventilation contaminates local food grown in the area. In Bahi people cultivate rice that is exported to various regions for consumption thus it posses another threat to the population of Tanzania.

Large amount of ground water is at risk to be polluted, at Kinangali ward there is very big dam that is being used by 25 villages and very interesting when this dam dries is a source of salt that is being exported to neighboring countries of Rwanda, Burundi.

By Pasience Mlowe

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Years and years we have been singing the same old songs,

Panda mti Kata mti, Tunza Misitu, Misitu ni Uhai and so on

And yet the situation has became more critical

Right now it is said 58miln US dollar Tanzania Revenue is lost each year,

And also it is estimated illegal activities in logging has persisted from 50-90%

We have heard this even eye witnessed this depressing story

Of how our forests resources have been inhumanly expropriated and extremely exploited

By the same corrupt government officials who are supposed to be social servant

The time has come for us to arise my fellow Tanzanian of Mtakuja

Arise, arise, arise because the sun for change is shining bright

Wake up from the deep sleep and speak out, lets your voices be heard

Lets each of us proclaim the end of corruption in forest sector

And as we arise today, let’s proclaim the end of old era

Of stinking odor of corruption among our government officials

And let’s welcome new era of corruption free in logging trade

Lets all of us start by being patriotic enough to point out key corrupt officials

Who acts as brakes rather than accelerators for development.

I am speaking to you my fellow Tanzanians,

This is our problem, our lives those officials are ruining

But we still have hope that our forests resources will benefit us all

And no longer the few corrupted.

Arise Tanzania and let’s unite as one.

Let our voices be heard as one saying this is the end of corruption in logging trade

Let us proclaim,

We want transparency, good governance and patriot leaders.

Arise villagers of Mtakuja we still have hope as we unite,

If we did unite during our independence in the 1960’s

Despite having different 120 tribes, religions, culture and language

And still we stood as one, why can’t we do the same today.

Let’s arise today and say enough is enough

We have the rights to question on what’s going on.

Arise today and let it be a memorable day

5years later to remember that we stood up united

Against all those who stripped our nation and us naked

And left us shivering with cold while they are wrapped in furs.

Arise Mtakuja villagers and shout out today “United we stand the time has arrived for change”.

By Suzan Kagize, YETs 2010.


Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) has been identified as one serious approach in mitigating global climate change by reducing the levels of greenhouse gas emissions that enter our atmosphere. Today, fifteen to twenty percent of global GHG emissions are attributed to deforestation and forest degradation due to activities such as increased logging and agriculture. Many of these countries reside in the Global South, where poverty is widespread and resource exploitation is a means of livelihood security. However, if such countries can lessen their rates of forest degradation and deforestation and develop strategies to conserve forestlands, then they deserve to be financially compensated for these efforts.

theoretically, REDD have been implemented by the multinational companies like GRL which reported that is the Africa’s leading forestation company in 2008/2009 which is growing trees to generate carbon credit, bio-energy and to manufacture wood products. The record showed that 4,200 ha of new trees was planted in 2008 and indicates that the company hold more than 200,000 ha of land for future planting.

As it was counted, Tanzania has large area of forest reserve particularly in Mufindi district. Forest reserves covers a total area of 64,106 ha among which 47,416 ha are forest reserves and 16,690 ha are catchment’s forest, the total forest cover a portion of the Eastern Arc Mountains in Tanzania that are scenic and renowned intentionally for the diversity and endemic species. The district also covers about 80,000 ha of Miyombo woodlands and 35,610 ha of grassland. (Mufindi district report)

The challenge are how do you implement REDD strategies fairly? who is actually gain from REDD? how are benefits to be shared? how do you ensure equitable compensation for forest conservation? how do you accurately measure, report and verify (MRV) carbon stocks and avoided emissions? where do the funds come from?

In theory, the concept of REDD is a climate change ‘no-brainer.' It aims to reduce potential GHG emissions, protect stored carbon, and increase future restoration opportunities. Despite the promise of this mechanism for reducing greenhouse gases but practically in a country like Tanzania with vast and valuable species of animals and plants might lead to get in problems socially, economically and environmentally as well elaborated as follows below.


* Eviction of native’s communities from their land they had always used to live and sustain their lives through practicing socio-economic activities.
* Blocking of the indigenous communities from accessing to non timber products for instance fruits and medicines.
* Food security will be a difficult question to be answered to the societies especially who depends on fertile land and grasslands which is very good for grazing cattle which is converted to tree plantation.
* Loss of land title deeds to indigenous due to land being sold to the tree plantation investors to custody it for many years likely 99 years. Theoretically if the project fails indigenous will continue to be landless for that time being.


* Food importation will be continued in Tanzania though having vast land as many people and investors will be attracted to plant more trees rather food crops production in which in long run there would be no balance of payment.
* Capital flight mainly due to the realities on investing in tree plantation which largely being dominated by foreigners who have capital enough to invest on our land than indigenous, will be benefited and paid by Redd progamme.
* Poverty will continue to prevail in Tanzania communities as far as food security would be exhibited in communities as one of the major indicator of the poverty.


* Different species of animals, birds and plants will extinct in the areas where tree plantation is going to be implemented for instance, to date some species in Mufindi district started to disappear e.g. edible plants like “Mikusu” and “Misaula” and animal species like “Mbawala” and “Digidigi” due to trees plantation done by Green resources according to Mgororo villagers which project the bad future when Redd is officially implemented as it also involve trees plantation.
* Loss of grassland areas which is very important due to its content in our ecosystem e.g. variety of beauty fauna’s, and fodder grasses since, they are areas with 1st rank for trees plantation as they are regarded as marginal lands in Tanzania
* Land degradation due to its nature of the trees plantation in monoculture to which in future will also lead to loss of fertility hence, low productivity.

Since “plantations are not forests” and due to its idea of reducing emission through deforestation and forest degradation by planting more trees. The Redd programme in long run might have problems especially to the ecosystem as natural forest saves as a habitat to insects, birds, animals and roots. Hence I recommend the following,

* Redd implementation should include fully recognition of the land use planning and the 1st prioritized people to invest for that programme should be natives and not foreigners. This will ensure Redd programme to be a non-business activity.
* Government should consider and value grassland as part and parcel of ecosystem which should be conserved. In doing so the government should have district grassland officers rather than keeping this burden to forest officers.
* Scientist works e.g. researches should be respected supported and their findings should be considered and implemented by the government instead of handling politics e.g. accepting Redd implementation without knowing its impacts.
* Cso’s should have coalition to advocate the coming and implementation of Redd progamme e.g. arguing why do they launch the program in our country and not to their home country since they are the one’s who pollute more.

To conclude, something should be noted and understood I don’t reject the implementation of Redd programme BUT i just want to see its implementation doesn’t affect the people’s economy; livelihood; and environment for instance trees plantation be directed to areas where deforestation is severely and its land is real not suitable for the agricultural uses e.g. grazing and crops production.

Written by: Yohana kadiva


Yes its very interesting to note read the article by Dambisa, actually
her patriotism doesn’t bother me at all, but the fact that she
proclaimed, is the most interesting thing in my mind, whether we agree
or not the cause of Aid in effectiveness in Africa has two dimensions
as follows

1.0 African perspective and commitment level for helping real
people in need

In this perspective, many African leaders seems to loose focus after
being elected in power by their electorates. They tends to forget
everything that they promised to full fill after being elected, they
some time use external global forces as an excuse to indulge themselves
in corruption and mis use of public resource. Their level of
accountability became minimal with the drastic increase of their
individual/selfish demands to support their private lives. How do you
expect a leader who assumed a certain position in public institution
soon became a millionaire within short time period? their actual
salaries plus all benefits are well known in advance by the public and
can not make some body to became a millionaire after being in power for
only short time of period. To me, it seems that , those kind of leaders
are effectively mis use aid and thus became as one aspect of the source
of the problem of Aid in effectiveness in Africa.

2.0 Some Self interest Donors requirement and Conditionality ones
provide aid/loan to African Countries

This aspect is real as some self interest donors from all scattered
categories in this world have their ambitious interest in African
wealth, they normaly give aid with a lot of condition taking the
advantage of starved people as a result of in appropriate technology and
techno -managerial capacity to extract their wealth in Africa. They
always influencing African countries policies that in turn regulates all
programmes and projects operation at all levels.

Some of us do remember the Structure Adjustment Programme ( SAP) in
1980s by IMF/WB where by the Tanzania Government was forced to sign the
agreement/Contract so as to qualify for a loan/aid kind of ( what ever
the name) . in this aspect you can realize the mostly negative impact of

The overall SAP exercise had dramatically increased the rates of
environmental degradation and deforestation in indebted Nations in
Africa as Governments strive hard to generate cash through collecting
Tax from all sources to pay off debts and interest as well. These
called aid/Loan whatever you may call them,have negative effect in
various sectors as well as directly to many people in African
especially poor countries like Tanzania

For example in Tanzania , the Debt repayment is six time more than
National health spending of which majority of people are suffering from
malaria, typhoid etc. Pregnant women do not access appropriate medical
treatment and later die abruptly. Hospitals have became breeding grounds
for disease.

The Overall, structural adjustment in Tanzania has increasing input
prices, promoting unsustainability through market liberalization, and
reducing expenditures on "reforestation." In addition, unrelated
sectoral policies have exacerbated degradation problems. The ending of
ujamaa, poor agricultural extension, poor enforcement of land clearing,
ambiguous land tenure, and inappropriate energy pricing have all reduced
incentives to conserve. Structural adjustment has also differentially
hurt the poorer farmers because pricing schemes have caused cultivation
of marginal lands. Thus, a positive feedback loop has been created
causing a downward spiral of economic and environmental well being.

We have been having a lots of economic reforms being in actual facts
initiated by some of self interest donors as their participation in
decision making rank is at almost 75%.

For instance Tanzania Privatization policies that led to sell of many
public institutions but little the people has been benefiting from, we
also did have Civil Service Reform Programme ( 1990s) from which , many
workers were laid off without appropriate compensation, the aim to was
to destabilize African Countries so that they continue to be dependent

We do also have Tanzania Public Service Reform Programe(1994), Local
Government Reform Programme( 1996). All these initiatives have donor
influence and they haven’t provide required results as expected to
date as people are still suffer.

You can also have a glance to our Tanzania National budget that
generally comprises at 40% of income from donor poured in our National
basket funds. This 40% does slaughter us without even say “ Bis

For instance , The Tanzania National budget preview for 2010/11
financial year as presented yesterday ( 1st July 2010) to the
Parliamentary committee for the Finance is set to raise to 11.1 trn/=
from the current 9.51trn/= with foreign aid funding nearly a half of
it, the situation like this has some implication in terms of decision
making process that mostly determine the future of the nation interims
of priorities, normally in this kind of donor dependency the country
would never and ever be free to decide their own priority issues based
on peoples wishes and demands. Suppose donor refuse to grant that nearly
half of the National budget , guess, what would happen? Some self
interest donors( NOT ALL) would take advantage on that.

In respect of the above narrated fact, its obviously that, Dambisa
analysis was very critical to the maximum as she was talking about
facts, but the problem with her is on the issues of running away from
solving African problems by condemning the existing institution
frameworks and its associated process. But all in all African problems
has been for a long time caused by selfish leaders as well as some self
interest donors ( NOT ALL) on equal basis and its upon us African people
to be alert and very creates to avoid the two changing agents interests
( Corrupt leaders and some of self interest Donors). Its better to have
commitment leaders and even few true donors for supporting our National
development for the benefit of the majority people in the grass root

Hamisi Seif Simba
Programme Coordinator for CSOs Programme
CSOs - Strengthening the Capacity for Environmental Civil Societies
WWF Tanzania Programme Office
Regent Estate 350 Mikocheni
P O Box 63117 Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
t: +255 (0)22 2775346
f: +255 (0)22 2775535
m:+255 (0)718801337

WWF - for a living planet

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

PLANTATIONS ARE NOT FOREST(REDD’s impacts on Indigenous People socio-economically and Biodiversity)

Because deforestation is a major source of green house gas emissions, governments see curbing deforestation as a ‘cheap’ way of reducing green house gas emissions and stabilizing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere relatively quickly. Governments are discussing a proposal on REDD which they hope to conclude the in the near future.

Anti-pastoralist Policies are also Ant-conservation.

Pastoral societies in Tanzanian lived in harmony during pre-colonial era only. Both colonial and post colonial political systems have marginalized pastoralists in the country. Pastoralists have always been wrongly sensed as unproductive (they do not contribute to national economies), unorganized (they always ‘roam around’), and environmentally destructive (they cause overgrazing and desertification). They have been and they are still being treated as enemies of wildlife and nature conservation, despite the fact that they have been inhabited within wildlife ecosystems even before the inversion of wildlife based tourism businesses.

Greetings from Setlife-Ngarenaro

It was a rainy Saturday when 3 Arusha based YETs made a trip back to daraja mbili to assess the progress made by the Setlife group in their efforts to protect river Ngarenaro from pollution resulting from random dumping of solid waste by the slum dwellers.

We met with the group team leader at the Ngarenaro ward office and began our journey into the river and observed a few things as follows; first the trees that were planted by the YETs back in April are doing fine as most of the them are in stable condition though a couple of them have died and domestic animals are to blame according to the Setlife team leader.

Dead Aid debate among YETs in Tanzania Cont .....

Hi all

Yes its very interesting to note read the article by Dambisa, actually her patriotism doesn’t bother me at all, but the fact that she proclaimed, is the most interesting thing in my mind, whether we agree or not the cause of Aid in effectiveness in Africa has two dimensions as follows

When will WMAs deliver to the Communities?

“We conserve nature because we live in it, because it is our life, it is the life of our cattle. The conservationists [referring to NCAA] do it because it gives them employment, because they get money from the white men [tourists]. For them, if the white man does not bring money, it is the end of the story. For us, even if the white man does not bring money we will still preserve the environment. We did it before the white men came. We do because it is our lives; it is the life of our ancestors and our unborn children”. This was a statement made by one of Maasai elders when he was being interviewed by the researcher as it reads in Olenasha W. et al 2001 report. This shows the sincerity of indigenous in natural resources conservation. Perhaps if this philosophy was used in conservation we could never have a need to think of firearms in conservation, establishment of WMAs or introduction of YETs programme because we could not have the environmental and natural resource problems we have today.

Yes, Aid does work but not well enough in Africa:

Yes, aid does work, but not well enough in Africa. I think we need to discuss from that scenario and further explain much why aid has been working enough in other part of the world like Asian and not well enough in Africa? It is not true not all Aid accorded to Africa does not work, there are big successfully projects in Africa which have been funded with donors are sustainable helping a lot people of Africa.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why should we adopt Ecotourism in Tanzania?

According to the UN Report of 2008 Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world; it is ranked 159 out of 1975 on the human development index. The need to better manage Tanzania’s economy and improve strategies in poverty alleviation is urgent needed. In recognition of that the government of Tanzania has established different numbers of economic reforms aimed to revamp its economy. Despite of this, economic growth has not yet fully translated into poverty reduction at a household level and over one third of the population still lives below the basic needs poverty line and most of the poor communities live in rural areas. The government of Tanzania has formally recognized the value of wildlife resources to the people and economy of Tanzania since her independence in 1961 when former president and father of the nation Mwalimu Julius Nyerere spoke on the need to conserve wildlife resources.

Debate about Dambisa Moyo's book continues!

Dear Thomas and others reading.
Well, this is a cluster of views on Dambisa that are fairly common among most Africans I hear view themselves on Dambisa Moyos message.
I see that you Thomas is a strong supporter of Moyos views and approach to development.
I am an equally strong critic of the lady and her views. I do not dare think what Norway would have looked like if we some 100 to 150 years ago had applied the Dambisa recipe for development. In fact, I hardly know any country that did, even though USA and UK and in Africa Gabon are fairly close to.
I wrote some 15 months ago in Norwegian a very critical review of her book and so called analyses of development. I attach it for those of you who read Norwegian.