Thursday, September 2, 2010


It was 2nd august 2010 when the Young Environmentalist Trainees visited Babati for field study of environmental entrepreneurship done there.
During the field study YETs observed some of the Participatory Forest Management (PFM) in Dareda been undertaken by Non Governmental Organisation called Farm Africa. In Bermi village there were a number of livelihood option practiced such as Beekeeping farming using traditional and modern techniques, Butterfly farming which was in its initial stage of establishing butterfly’s house(trial period) RAFIA weaving (multi weaving), Mushroom farming and tree nurseries. The purpose of having livelihood options is to conserve the available forest resource in the area as well as generating income for their development.
In Ayasanda village there have been Community Based Forest Management (CBFM) practices which started since 1994 due to the negative impacts of climate change, population increase and floods. Having CBFM they agreed that there should be free use of firewood, grass, stones, medicine and fruits from the forest. There should be licence use for building logs, timber and building stones. Restrictions were given where the activity will bring negative impacts such as charcoal burning and removal of tree backs. The goal for CBFM in Ayasanda was for environmental conservation thus why there has been environmental education, establishment of by- laws punishments and fines.
Mr Joachim Thambo is a villager practicing agro forest since 1983 by doing Natural Forest conservation through planting natural trees and new tree species, protection of water sources, terraces farming and gardening.
Apart from the good things observed in Babati there are challenges facing communities in implementation of those activities such as;
Mr Thambo is been challenged by lack of permanent market for selling his products which cause some of the product to rotten while in farm.
In Ayasanda village community is challenged by lack of knowledge on how to measure the quantity of carbon dioxide and GPRS.
In Birme village, community groups dealing with the livelihood options is been challenged by tradition, taboo and cultural beliefs which to some extent hinders the implementation of the activities.
There for from Babati trip I learnt the use of PFM strategies in management and conservation of forest resources, the se of friendly related options to the community surrounding forest resources and the application of agro forest activities in areas with favourable climatic condition.
It is recommended that, government should foresee the community and support them especially in the challenged areas so as to ensure effective implementation of the development activities. Also Babati should be taken as study tour for other people from other places to learn how to implement friendly related livelihood options.
Evelyne Sanga

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