Monday, June 15, 2009


It has bee observed that severely deforestation in Morogoro rural areas is due to inadequate participation of people around the rural areas and other stockholders where most of people MorogoroVillage district are living closely to forest but they are not aware on appropriate use of forest product and sustainable conservation. Also, other stakeholders do not participate well to face various challenges like illegal harvest of forest products and bush burning

In fact the district authority is a responsible stakeholder to link other stakeholders within district on the effective participation of every stakeholder to conserve forest in Morogoro Village district. The insufficiency of participation has been realized where a number of members community do not know procedures to be followed when they want to use forest products. District Authority has all procedures but people in rural areas are not aware with those steps to be followed.

The availability of adequate participation provides a general opportunity to conserve our natural resources/forests at different levels, because each and every individual will play his/her part to conserve forest as part of his living. This could be done through creating awareness to individuals. This can be achieved through imposition of education, planting tees campaign e.t.c

I would like advice the district authority to link all stakeholders on sustainable forest conservation at Morogoro Village District so that to rescue the vulnerability of forest in our district.

Angelus Runji

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