Friday, August 27, 2010


It was on 2nd August 2010 when YET group had a field trip to Babati district. This was the practical lesson which followed after the theoretical one on the topic of environmental entrepreneurship at MS TCDC Arusha.
It was a great opportunity which provided the learners with knowledge and skills on investing on environmental resources including forests and land.
The trip included the three areas which were Farm Africa offices in Dareda, Berm village one among the villages which are working with Farm Africa and lastly Ayasanda village.

In all these sites YETs got essential ideas which if they will really put in use in their areas of work there will be a great contribution towards environmental sustainability as well income generation of the local people.
Farm Africa, Non Governmental Organization is implementing various projects in various villages in Babati district and the recent projects activities in addition to the former ones target to enable the villagers to have tangible benefits. These activities are such as beekeeping, mushroom farming, medicinal plants, tree nurseries, silk moth farming, and mattress weaving. So through these the people are motivated more on participating in implementation of the projects which go hand in hand with conservation of the environment.
After being introduced on how the projects are undertaken by Farm Africa, YETs were taken to the sites of the beekeeping and butterfly farming at Berm village and they appreciated on the way beehives were designed.
Mr. Tambo, an old man who is living at Hala village in Babati district, was seen by the group as an intelligent person who drives his life on what he invests at his home place. He is the man who acting as the reference point to the majority of people in his district including the district officers as he is consulted by majority of people who study and plan to do such investment.
The activities he is doing including crop production, animal husbandly and tree planting where there are various kinds of trees including fruits, timber, and those which conserve water sources. So from all these he is able to meet all his basic requirements through selling his products.
It is there fore the time for us YETs who are strong and energetic youths to impart the knowledge and the skills learnt to the people who have no ideas on environmental entrepreneurship, so that to make all which have been installed in our heads in practical manner.
By, Lucy Haule.

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