Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The massage is very strong shows reality and stimulating any one who ca read this part seriously he/she can be shoked.
Its true that Tanzania has huge reserves in more than ten key minerals and Gold, Diamonds, Tanzanite are being fully mined by (Multinational companies) By the end finding that the percentage taken by them and what is left in the original Tanzanian owners is a very big wide gap.

These reasons of poor management, poor policies from the government to people – centred mining policies, not only to this view of minerals the same aspect apply to forestry, fisheries, and or wildlife.

Having a big question in mind; why we (Tanzanians) are poor?
A lot of factors contribute:
Our Policy makers aren’t transparency
Politicians also put personal interests, greediness
Tanzanians themselves they fear have Dependency thinking

But these issue example Mineral – Other African countries managed the situation like South Africa and Botswana. We have to ask ourselves why?

It’s because of responsibility division, transparency, togetherness not being selfish and greedy and good policies by:
Putting concern on CSO’s who have different styles of Communicating this kind of pain massage; spiritually, mentally and physically.
Individuals to be educated even ‘Basic Knowledge’ about this aspects – Forestry, fisheries and wildlife so that they can feel it from their hearts – This is Psychological colonialism.

NOTE: This is much done in so many views through a lot of animals, trees and fish at large quantity is used/exported by few powered leaders who don’t what chance, don’t focus on Tax issue even brake the ‘bridge’ with the people and as barrier to communication.

From my self I need to change this area in a Democratic way because its painful and unsafe. But I will stand strong!!

//David Sylvester

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